The Faculty of Physical Education was established in 1993. Before that it was a department within Arts Faculty in 1981. In 1988 the department was incorporated with the Faculty of Education and Fine Arts. However in 1993 the Higher Education council accept to create a new Faculty of Physical Education,in whichin cludes: Sports Science department and Physicel Educatio department.Boath department award master degree
The priority in scientific succes, society and encourge, sports innovation and achievement, which will become the most preferred choice of students by the year 2020.
Commitment of members of teaching towards self-scientific development and lead the created technology to ensure high efficacy and exceeds the expectations of its students which will become the sports education optimum.

The Faculty of Physical Education was established in 1993. Prior to this it was a department at the Faculty of Arts. The department was incorporated in 1988 with the Faculty of Education and Fine Arts.